I've decided to build myself a yurt. Not much good having a blog labeled "yurtman" with no yurt building going on. I bought a table saw today. I finally convinced myself that saying "I don't have a saw" is not a good enough reason to stop such endeavors. I also bought an electric hand planer. I'm thinking this will now be a place to document my building of a yurt. Sounds good to me! Appropriate enough... Or, should I start a blog named, "Rice Cooker" and document the build there? Look out Bob Vila! Here comes Yurtman!
So at my friend's birthday party last night, someone asked "Why is he building a yurt?" after I told them about my yurt-building brother. How about fielding that one on your blog, Yurtman? - From Zippy
I want more rice cooker recipes on this blog... to whom do I register my complaint?
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