Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Another Fine Day

One is a shot of the first wall all closed up in the garage. The other photos give you an idea of the yurt taking shape. I have to square off the sides of this wall, fasten the other wall together and the make the door before I can lash it all into a complete circle. I underestimated the number of rods so I'll have to buy more hardwood to finish the second wall. I'm thinking to help with cost I might use doug fir for the ceiling posts. By the way, for the language buffs, the wall is called a Khana (pronouced "Haan"). I will introduce more terms later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zippy and Corey here

Corey just informed me that the Turkish word for "foreign" [yurt-disin] literally translates to "out of the yurt." Yogurt also is derived from yurt - 'a yak's milk food made at home' is the literal translation.

"Right on!" from Doha.

February 02, 2006 9:59 PM  

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