"Long time, no yurt"

Pictures really jazz things up. I finished tapering the ceiling joists today. Meaning, I now have 35 poles that will fit into the crown. The picture gives you an idea of how it would look to have the crown suspended above the center of the yurt. I'm still undecided on decoration of the interior. Traditionally the wood is painted with bright colors and ornate designs. A "high class" yurt will have more carving. It's hard to resist wanting to fancy up the wood work, especially me being a high class sort of guy and all. On the other hand, I'll be lucky if I get the cover sewed together by June!
I was browsing the web for yurt building companies and found one that donned a catchy motto. "You must be square if you aren't in a yurt" At first I though it was kind of clever. However, it seemed they used it as a crutch. It was pasted that all over their website. Now I don't like it anymore. My critique begs to ask the question, "What would you say yurtman?" Well. I'm not sure. I was thinking "Yurt Hyurts" or "Do you really want to yurt me?" or "Something, something yurt dirt" but I can't really get that one together. Any suggestions?